Reduce, Fold and FoldLeft

Scala Comments

In this blog post, you’ll learn about -

  1. The basic understanding of reduce, fold and foldLeft.
  2. The subtle difference between the 3 of them.

In order to explain these 3 functions, let us take a list of integers -


For a list of Integers, here’s how the signature of reduce is defined -

Let us now understand this signature :

  1. reduce is a function that now operates on type A1 that is a supertype of type Int.
  2. reduce takes in a function as a parameter which itself takes in 2 parameters of type A1 and also has a return type of A1.
  3. The reduce function returns of type A1.

Consider the following example -

So, what’s happening above - 1. I’ve defined a function addition which adds 2 numbers. 2. The reduce function takes this function as a parameter to reduce the list of integers to an integer.


For the same example above, here’s how the signature of fold is defined -

Let us now understand this signature :

  1. Like reduce, fold is a function that now operates on type A1 that is a super-type of type Int.
  2. Unlike reduce, fold takes in 2 parameters - an integer (starting value) and a function (similar to reduce).
  3. The fold function’s return type is also A1.

So, what’s happening above - 1. The starting value for fold is now 0. 2. The fold now takes in (0, 1) and the addition function is performed. 3. The return value of that function and the second value in the list is now passed to the function again. 4. This continues to happen till we’ve processed all the elements in the list.


Let us now understand this signature :

  1. foldLeft takes in 2 parameters - an object of type B (has no relation to Int), and a function. The function takes in 2 parameters, 1 of type B and 1 of type Int.
  2. The function and foldLeft returns an object of type B.

Reduce/Fold vs FoldLeft

Reduce vs Fold

There is only a subtle difference between reduce and fold.

  1. Reduce requires the operator to be both commutative and associative whereas fold requires the operator to be associate only.

  2. As a result of this, fold requires a start value whereas reduce doesn’t require one.

Kaushik Rangadurai

Code. Learn. Explore

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