Bi-directional Attention Flow for Machine Comprehension

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Bidirectional Attention Flow for Machine Comprehension

Assume we’ve the context hidden states \(c_1,....,c_N \in \mathbb{R}^{2h}\) and question hidden states \(q_1,....,q_M \in \mathbb{R}^{2h}\). We compute the similarity matrix S \(\in \mathbb{R}^{NxM}\) which contains a similarity score Sij for each pair of (ci, qj) where

\[\begin{align*} S_{ij} = {w^T}_{sim} [c_i; q_j; c_i \circ q_j] \in \mathbb{R} \end{align*}\]

where \(w_{sim}\) is a weight matrix of shape \(\mathbb{R}^{6h}\) and \(S \in \mathbb{R}^{NxM}\).

Context-to-Question Attention (C2Q)

We take a row-wise softmax of S to obtain the attention distributions \(\alpha^i\) which is used to take a weighted sum of the quesiton hidden states \(q_j\) yielding C2Q attention output a_i.

\[\begin{align*} \alpha^i = softmax(S_i;) \in \mathbb{R}^M \end{align*}\] \[\begin{align*} a_i = \sigma_{j=1}^{M} \alpha_j^iq_j \in \mathbb{R}^2h \end{align*}\]

This is very similar to the normal attention (instead of dot-product we use the matrix similarity S). The intution is that for every word in context, we compute the similarity to every other word in question. We then take a softmax on top of this to get a weighted sum of the question hidden states. We do this for every word/token in context.

Question-To-Context Attention (Q2C)

Similarly, we take a column-wise softmax of S to obtain the attention distributions \(\beta\) which is used to take a weighted sum of the context hidden states \(c_i\) yielding C2Q attention output \(c'\).

Bi-directional Attention Flow

\[\begin{align*} b_i = [c_i; a_i; c_i \circ a_i; c_i \circ c' ] \end{align*}\]

The intuition is that, for every word in context, we find the most similar word to question and then take a softmax of that to get a weight for every word in context. Now we take a weighted sum of the context hidden states to get \(c'\).


Paper EM F1
Dynamic Co-attention Networks 66.2 75.9
BiDaf 67.7 77.3
No char embedding 65 74.4
No C2Q Attention 57.2 67.7
No Q2C Attention 63.6 73.7

Kaushik Rangadurai

Code. Learn. Explore

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