Dialog Context Language Modeling With Recurrent Neural Networks

Dialog, NLG Comments

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However all these methods focused on applying context by encoding preceding text without considering interactions in dialogs.


Context Dependent RNNLM

Let D = \((U_1, U_2, ... U_K)\) be a dialog with K turns and involve 2 speakers. In this case, turn is just the utterance of a single speaker and could involve multiple messages. The kth turn \(U_k = (w_1, w_2, ..., w_{T_K})\) is represented as a sequence of T_k words.

\[\begin{align*} P (U_k | U_{less_than_k}) = \prod_{t=1}^{T_k} P ({w_t}^{U_k} | {w_{less_than_t}}^{U_k}, U_{less_than_k}) \end{align*}\]
Dialog RNN

Context Representations

However, the above 2 methods treat dialog history as a sequence of inputs, without modeling dialog interactions. In order to deal with this, the paper proposes 2 different architectures -

Interactive Dialog Context LM

In the above model, we define the context and initial hidden state as follows - \(c = {h_{T_{k-1}}}^{U_{k-1}}\) and \({h_0}^{U_k} = {h_{T_{k-2}}}^{U_{k-2}}\)

External State Interactive Dialog Context LM

In the above model, we have an external RNN to encode the respresentation from 1 turn to another.


Model K=1 K=2 K=3 K=5
RNNLM 60.4 - - -
DRNNLM - 60.1 58.6 59.1
CCDCLM - 63.9 61.4 62.2
IDCLM - - 58.8 58.6
ESIDCLM - - 58.4 58.5

Kaushik Rangadurai

Code. Learn. Explore

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